Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Clinton's Chance is Gone; Time to Switch to Obama

Tonight, Obama won NC by 14 points, Clinton won Indiana by 2 points. And NC is worth more, too. Yet, whereas Obama's speech congratulated her and attacked McCain, hers subtly attacked Obama! And she had the audacity to claim that PA was hers, NC was Obama's, and Indiana was a tie breaker. Are you kidding? She wins PA by 10 and Indiana by 2, Obama wins NC by 14 - where's the tie breaker? And now Obama's up by about 150 delegates...and less than 200 away from the nomination. 200 Superdelegates vote for Obama, and he wins. How does Clinton have a chance?

CNN Delegate Counter Statistic: If all the remaining states are a wash, of the 277 undecided Superdelegates, Clinton would need to win 84% of them to beat Obama. 84 to 16? A 68 point lead? I don't think so. If Clinton wins the remaining states, each by 20 points (a 60/40 split), she needs 77% of the remaining Superdelegates.

Nonetheless, she keeps going. She has her fans screaming, she has people rilled up. She thinks she can win. It's NOT HAPPENING, and the sooner Democrats realize that Obama is our guy, the better. Because the B.S. about Clinton supporters who "won't vote Obama" is B.S. Come on people, McCain is the next George Bush! Everyone knows Clinton & Obama are almost identical on issues. Think of it like a movie tralier, or book review. If you liked "THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN" starring "Hillary Clinton", you'll love our new release - "OBAMA 08" with the SAME IDEAS.

So please people...get over Clinton fast, because if we're gonna beat the Republicans, it's not by siding with their oil tax move that serves NO PURPOSE other than it looks good. And it's not by being divided, when Obama is the only candidate left who can claim the nomination. It's not much of a stretch for me to say, now, Obama IS our nominee. We NEED him in the white house in '08.

A vote for...

  • McCain
  • Paul
  • Nader
  • No One
Is a vote for George W. Bush. We need all the votes we can get in November - vote Obama!

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