Monday, May 12, 2008

How Obama will Become President in 2008

Step 1. Secure Democratic Nomination
Obama just about 150 delegates away from the nomination, with 217 state and 246 Superdelegates yet to decide. That's about 33% of the remaining vote that Obama needs to win. If all states and Superdelegates go 33% Obama, 67% Clinton...Obama wins. So, Step 1 is pretty secure.

Nonetheless, tomorrow's West Virginia primary is going to show a HUGE win for percentages. She could win by 20, 30 , even 40 points. Even so, should she win by 100%, she would win 28 delegates. And she needs over 320.

Step 2. Remind Americans of the Iraq War
Polls show that roughly 68% of Americans oppose the war in Iraq...and also about 68% want some, or all troops pulled out.

Obama opposed the war from the start, and has a withdrawal timetable to force the Iraqi government to get its act together. McCain supports the war and would stay in Iraq another 100 years. And why are we even there?

Step 3. Explain the Future of Oil
McCain wants a summer gas holiday. That costs the government $15,000,000,000 in tax collection, gives Big Oil $15,000,000,000 to either take off their gas price, or pocket for themselves, and saves each American about $20-30.

Obama opposes the plan...and has an environmentally-geared program to reduce pollution, reduce dependence on foreign oil, find and implement alternate fuels, reduce the impact of America on the environment, and impose profit-based taxation on oil to reduce gas prices.

Step 4. McCain = Bush = Same
McCain and Bush, while different in many ways, have the same IRAQ and ECONOMIC policies. Most Americans agree, IRAQ and the ECONOMY are the most pressing issues in this election. Should we vote for 4 more years of G.W. Bush policy on these vital issues?

Step 5. Conquer the Map
Obama has shown he has influence in the 30+ states he has won so far. For others, like PA and OH, which voted Clinton in the Democratic primary, Obama, working with Clinton, should be able to convince voters that much of the same policies Clinton supports are supported by Obama. Once Obama secures the Clinton vote, he will be unstoppable.

That's how and why Obama will be our next President. He will be our youngest and first multi-racial President, not to mention the candidate to raise the most money from supporters of his cause.

OBAMA '08!

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